Would your company like to produce your leather products in Sweden? Then you have found the right place. We would be pleased to help you with the process of producing your product. We don’t have any ready solutions. You need to come up with the ideas and clear, correct dimensioned drawings. We will help you to choose leather and to develop technical solutions.
This is the way we work with a new product:

Send an email to sales@tarnsjogarveri.se with your ideas. Please attach pictures or drawings, information about the product and estimated quantity. We review the information and make an assessment if the product will work in our production.

If the product will pass through, and we think it will work in our production its time to make a prototype. To make the prototype we need detailed drawings. Price of the prototype is according to the actual cost of producing the prototype. That means that we can’t give you the price before the prototype is ready.

When the prototype is approved we want to make a test production. The aim of doing that is to see how the product will work in the production and it makes it easier for us to give you the right production price. For the test production we order cutting and embossing tools if that is needed for the production. You as a costumer are paying for the tools, and you are the owner of them. You will get the price of the test production after the prototype is ready.

When the test production is ready, you will have the production price. The product will have an item number and we decide the MOQ. Now are we ready to produce your products!